
Monday, August 16, 2010

That one trip when Dan got a fly stuck in his nose.

On a 'family' fishing trip I met up with a good ole fishing pal Dan H. Dan has fished with me for years, going back to Grad school, moving through me have my first kid on my back, to now both of us having kids on our backs. Here are the pics and short narrative to describe the antics.

Here we are all loaded up and ready to go. With any luck both kids will be asleep in half an hour.

Ok, so not long into our adventure Dan catches a trout. I come over to show it to Sam because he likes to touch them. Dan holds up the fish so both kids can see it, fish flops and somehow lodges the second fly (Dan was fishing a two fly rig) into Dan's nose. Great.

Although the fly was stuck in past the barb, we got it out using the grip-it-and-rip-it method. Here is a youtube video of the technique:
I learned it when a friend had to remove a hook from my finger one very cold November day. Remember that Snus?
Anyhow, it barely left a mark. And we were back fishing again.

And he's asleep.

Look at this handsome family.

We went on to catch a few fish that day. No monsters, but a solid couple of hours of fishing, with one memorable fly-in-the-nose.

1 comment:

  1. For the record, Nate was cool as a cucumber during this whole process, despite the fact that he had no experience actually performing this hook removal method. I can only imagine what the scene must have looked like to someone passing by - me on my knees and Nate holding a loop of fishing line above my head attached to a fly in my nose, both of us with babies in backpacks. And after all that, not even a scar.
