I like being able to fish for trout on spring creeks during the winter now that we live in the driftless. But I miss the steelhead of the north. Looking back....

Dan with a big ol nasty steelhead

This fish was caught when the water was muddy-brown water after a huge storm. Few people were fishing, and the guys that were fishing couldn't get their eggs and spawnbags down deep enough in the very deep and fast water. I took a number of fish that day, including this one and another within 5 minutes by swinging leeches on a super heavy sink-tip.

This is a special fish for me because of where I caught it and who I caught it with, enough said.

Hooking up with a 7 mo-old on my chest

I'm not sure if this was Tyler's first steely, but he sure was happy.

Tim from Riverblends with a special fish. We thought we had fished most of the water that there was to fish on this particular river. Then we went for long hike up river and found some fresh fish. Very nice to find new spots on old rivers.

Andrew had a banner day. We only saw a couple other folks on the water that day becasue it dumped 12" of snow the night before. Andrew was determined to fish, and he landed a number of nice fish.
Hey dude! I'm glad you posted that photo of that very special fish. I totally forgot about that. You made my day.